Getting Started with MongoDB & Rust
December 14, 2020 -MongoDB is probably the world's most popular document database.
It may not be well known, but MongoDB released their first driver for Rust back in 2013. Since then regular driver updates have been released, supporting new database features and adding improvements. This year, the driver was rewritten, adding support for Tokio & Async-Std, and is now officially supported. So maybe it's time to give it a try!
This talk will give an overview of the features of MongoDB, including some features that many think MongoDB doesn't support, including transactions and joins. I'll cover:
- What MongoDB is (and isn't);
- The basics of running a MongoDB cluster;
- How to effectively use the document model;
- Transactions;
- Aggregation queries, including joins.
And I'll show how to use the Rust driver to make use of these features, and cover the areas the Rust driver does not yet support. I'll also cover some of MongoDB's lesser-known features, such as GIS data types and queries, and time series queries, at a high level.